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Following the recent award of £9.8M funding to the IoTUK Research Hub, being led by University College London in collaboration with Imperial College London, Cardiff University, Lancaster University, the Universities of Edinburgh, Oxford, Southampton, Surrey and Warwick and 47 industry partners, we are delighted to invite open participation in a Thematic Research Day.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for SMEs to participate in a discussion between members of the IoTUK Research Hub, representatives of the UK’s innovative SMEs working in IoT, and other public sector and not-for-profit organisations promoting collaboration in IoT and security.

What we will cover?

The discussion topics will fit within the broad remit of the Research Hub, including aspects of privacy and trust, security and safety, adoption and acceptability, governance and generating economic value from IoT environments.

This Thematic Day will provide an early opportunity, both for researchers to investigate the alignment of their research topics with the challenges facing businesses operating in the fast-moving IoT market, and for businesses to learn of and engage with new research projects, which are intended to produce real-world impact and influence in the IoT space.

We will also explore opportunities for funding collaboration for innovation and knowledge transfer with Research Hub participants, including the Hub’s Partnership Resource Fund (PRF); this is a flexible source of funding that will be used to engage partner organisations during the life of the grant, potentially covering projects, innovation funding, internships, secondments and workshops.


For more information, please visit the IoTUK Security Thematic Research Day website. 



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